Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bubble tea

I had some bubble tea with my friend, Libby, today. I decided to try the rose flavor. It reminded me of grandmas. I have no idea...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Don't try this at home!

Don't put your hand in the toaster-oven after you turn it on. Ouch.....................

Monday, January 14, 2008

Incomprehensible possibility

What would happen to life if I were to pack up all of my dishes except for one set? I would be forced to use and wash this set of dishes each time I wanted to eat. I could see this being problematic in that I may decide to not eat. however, I imagine that after enough self-digestion, I would be driven to bite the bullet and wash the dishes. This idea seems to be plausible for more reasons than one. Firstly, The build-up of hoarded dirty, crusty, hazardous dishes in my room would be drastically reduced. Secondly, I may end up conserving more of our non-renewable resources since the amount of warm, soapy water necessary to clean the dishes would be drastically reduced as the rings of residual milk and chunks of misplaced tomato sauce would not have a chance to adhere. Besides, I'm considering going on a minimalism kick-it is just so much more convenient, especially when faced with a perpetual threat of nuclear holocaust. (Just in case you need this: be prepared)
This also makes me think about the tasty generic sweetened wheat puff cereal that I purchased at Fred Meyer's this evening (I found my selection of groceries to be laughably diverse: cereal, sandwich meat, and Barefoot Zinfandel). I could really go for a bowl of those tasty bits of sweety crunch right about now. However, eating a bowl would necessitate another session of bothersome dental hygiene before sleep, and that activity sounds like it would be just too much. I had better go to sleep so that I may forget about my hungry tummy

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I just finished watching "The Departed." I liked it. Now it is 2:43AM. I should go to sleep.