Monday, May 31, 2004

Imagine: A Weekend Without School

I practically forgot that I still have to apply myself to school endeavors this spring. Mom and Dad came over for the weekend, and I haven't done anything requiring mental strain since. Friday night we watched The Last samurai. Saturday, I went to the Folklife Festival in the Center with some friends, and I met up with my family there around 4. After some more family fun, I came back to my room and then went caroling with my oboe, Soren's guitar and Scot's accordion. We spread Christmas cheer to all of the dorms. After that, we went to Wendy's. Yesterday was also family filled. We went to church, Central Market, and then out to dinner at an Irish Pub. After I said good-bye to them, I took advantage of an opportunity to become more culturally aware. I played Halo with some friends for the rest of the night. This morning, I played with the SPU band at a memorial service. OOooo, and I vacuumed! Well, after dinner, it looks like I will have to return to the world of school..."Physics" homework is scheduled.

Friday, May 28, 2004

So much for playing in the rain

Yesterday it rained really hard and I really wanted to go play ultimate frisbee outside, somehow, this plan magically morphed into a 3 hour game of Trivial Pursuit (the 1981 edition) that ended at 2 in the morning! I think I was so out of it that my competitors were about to forcibly drag me to my bed. Maybe it was the oats....

I made some exciting discoveries today in the realm of Microsoft Word. I didn't know that it was an option to have a blue background with white text. Also, there are various levels of grammar checks it can do! I now have it set on "formal" instead of "standard". Now, it checks for things like cliches and wordiness!

K, it's time to go to class....

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Oats and stuff

Well, I don't think today or yesterday were especially boring, but I am having trouble coming up with blog material. I have some rolled oats to eat that I am very fond of, and as a garnish, I bought some OGRE-SIZED M&Ms. That is relatively old news, though still exciting. Speaking of which, I am beginning to be on better terms with Relativity. I guess it is rather cool that the faster you go, the shorter the distance is to your destination.

Ok, I think I have had enough oats for the day, I think it is time for some sleep...

Monday, May 24, 2004


Wow, I came back from class and there was candy corn on my desk! IN MY ROOM! CRAZY, I LOVE CANDY CORN!!!!! I ate lots of it, I hope it was for me, I don't know why else it would be living on MY desk though.

hours have passed since then, and my euphoria has been ruined by Relativity:

so, Alan is standing near a train track and sparks fall off of the front and back of the train car. The light hits him at the same time from both sparks... and Beth is on the train, and passes Alan as the sparks fly...

So, in Alan's perspective, the light from the front spark hits her before the light from the back spark, and the light in her perspective hits her first from the front, even though she is in the middle of the train.

The only way this happens is that the sparks jump at the same time in Alan's reference frame, but in Beth's the front one jumps first
Even turns out that length may not even be constant!

But no more! I am a Newtonian purist and will not succumb to the evils of this notion. In my realm, time will be constant, length will be constant, and light will never prevail in it's struggle to be constant!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Nantucket Nectars Scandal

Room-mate Kellyn was just analyzing her pomegranate flavored Nantucket Nectar bottle. She is convinced that they are trying to send subliminal messages:
1) Everyone on the bottle was white
2) One man appears to be peeing
3) A man seemed to be surfing in the nude
4) *up for debate* Purple, widowless van that appears to belong to a rapist.

I don't know...She could be overreacting, I am not fully convinced. She thinks that perhaps I am being too Naïve. Let me know if you have noticed any suspicious activity on your juice bottles.

Here! Go here!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I just want to see my Blog

So, I really should have done some homework today. I am hungry and tired and anxious about my paper and my Orientation Team Leader Application, so I am afraid that in this state of mind, this posing may not be very coherent.

I did decide today that I really dislike oboe lessons this quarter. Good news, though, I got an excellent room with a view for next year. It's location is choice.

Ok, that was fun

Oh, yeah! How could I forget. I spent most of my day day-dreaming about Capoeira and break-dancing. I smell food.........meat! ohhh, i'm hungry.