Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

It finally snowed here this morning. Wonderful stuff, snow. Merry Christmas, as Joel pointed out, and Robb already learned, Christmas is free today.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I hate this

I'm tired of Blogging. This is stupid. My car done broke now, so i'm living at UCU (fe-house) 'till Friday. Apparently the whole thing about going home Sunday was one of those joke-things. Looks like it's going to be Friday or maybe even Sat. Poor Benjamin. I hope he's making friends with Russ the mechanic. On second though, i hope he's not, because that would distract Russ, and i'd probably never make it home. I bet that Russ is actually just sitting there, laughing at the car. GAH!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Here I am

I'm sitting in the phone closet on the thrid floor of UCU (man-house). I'm bored. I'm finally free and in Seattle. All of the people I tried to track down are either not there or otherwise occupied. so, here I am, sitting in a closet, posting to my blog. Sad, sad, sad.

Monday, December 06, 2004


I wrote one at a Christmas party last night:

Candle light so bright
A Christmas tree standing near
fate and time combine

Well, I'm done with classes for the year

That's right, i just had my last one.


Someone once told me that I should post a whole bunch.
I don't know what I think about that.

Friday, December 03, 2004


Finally, after many long weeks of anguish and strife, Apple has furnished me with a new computer.
I have wonderful news! I am connected to the Wireless network at SPU. I am connected to the world without a stinking cord!!!!! It took me about an hour to figure it out, time i should have spent on my scholarship application. Now, i have ten minutes before class. I'm tired of talking to you, k-bye.

Monday, October 18, 2004

My computer done broke

Saturday, September 25, 2004


As I was walking back from playing tennis today, I got stung with nettles. That was pretty exciting since it was my first time. School is all about new experiences that make you stroger and build charater. I got some baking soda from my friend Kelly, it doesn't help a whole lot, but it looks impressive.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

I am a law-breaker

I went fishing today without a license. Actually, it was tonight. My cousin Tim(my) and I were out on the dock at my grandma's place on the Pend Oreille River. It was dark, but we had flashlights. I was really good. Tim said that the fish liked it when the jig i was using kissed them, and when i picked the jig up out of the water and tossed it in over and over again. I'm not really sure if he liked untangling the line from the pole after i had been doing that, but i guess that's the price one pays for masterful fishing. I caught a sunfish, and he kicked it back into the water. Sunfish are dumb, and they have spines.

Friday, September 10, 2004

So tired

i'm very tired, and my heart is full of grief.
My computer's hard drive is kaput.
So, i'm confined to Joel's beast of a computer. He was has shown great kindness, and has set up an account for me with all of the preferences that we took off of my computer before it died. Oh, that reminds me, Nate, you are free to delete my account whenever, unless you enjoy signing into my AIM account and talking to all of the people you see there.
I had another gum graft a week from yesterday, and the codine made me sick that night. You probably didn't want to know that, but it's late, and i want to complain.
Hm, what else?....Ah, yes...the results of the story competition. Justin wins. Although, Megan must be given the Tenacious Termite Award for her brave and noble poetic oration. Folks, it isn't as easy as it looks. Justin the Vicorious challanged me to end his boredom tell him a story in rhymes. But, that is for another time.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Tell me a story

Since the dark ages, man has depended upon the ancient art of storytelling to stave off the oppressive silence, saddness, and boredom that has plauged him, for you know...
anyway, Joel and I recently hosted a write-off. The contestants were Jessica my cousin, Diana, my second cousin, Megan who shares my birthday and is my 14th cousin thrice removed (although she probably won't admit it), and Justin who is no relation whatsoever.
It comes down to you, dear readers--MY dear readers--, to make the ultimate decision. Who do you trust to stave off your darkness? Please leave your votes at the end.

The Management (mostly Joel)

Contestant 1: Jessica

Jessica: well, now i'll tell you a story, since i have absolutely nothing else to do
Jessica: once upon a time there was a little girl named molly
Jessica: the end
Xolvox_chick85: you always use that name!
Jessica: well, here's another one
11:15 PM
Jessica: once upon a time there was a girl, molly
Jessica: who died suddenly
Jessica: when she
Jessica: um
Jessica: choked on an ice cube
Xolvox_chick85: ice 9?
Jessica: that was in her glass of guaquemoli
Jessica: or however you spell it
Jessica: the reason she was drinking that stuff is because she had a problem
Jessica: she didn't know how to sew her own clothes
Xolvox_chick85: um?
Xolvox_chick85: you know that compliment i payed you?
Jessica: so one day she went to the frog down in the jungle if Egypt
Xolvox_chick85: yeah, well
Xolvox_chick85: but Joel likes it
Jessica: and it told her to drink a really aweful drink that people usually eat with chips
Jessica: when she got back home she was trying to figure out what that substance could possibly be
Jessica: she looked in her tin box of food and all she had was green, moldy cheese, brownish wilted lettuce, and an artichoke heart
11:20 PM
Jessica: so, she tried drinking the cheese but she got food poisoning and she had to go next door to the nearest cardboard box shelter where her friend Herbert lived.
Jessica: he pulled out the two pound green cheese with his mechanical pencil and molly sat on her metal bed for two weeks, puking up green stuff into a bowl.
Jessica: when she was better, she had an idea
Jessica: "hmmm..." she said,"maybe this is the green stuff people eat with chips, although it's an interesting technique of making food."
Jessica: she wasn't really sure, so she decided to try it out on someone else frist.
Jessica: she went to Herbert's box and gave him the bowl of green stuff and some doritoes
Jessica: he asked what it was and she told him it was mostly made with cheese
Jessica: he dipped a chip in the "dip" and took a bite
Jessica: he keeled over, and dies
Jessica: died
11:25 PM
Jessica: "well," molly said,"that's not it" and left Herbert's box
Jessica: she went back home and looked in her tin can. she pulled out the lettuce and tried to drink it. it tasted aweful as it slowly made its way down her throat. she almost choked, but she picked up some dirt and water from her floor and made some coffee to help wash it down.
Jessica: she waited with needle and thread and cloth in hand, but nothing happened
Jessica: "well, that didn't work" she said
Xolvox_chick85: i always liked this part
Jessica: that's nice
Jessica: anyway
Jessica: as i was saying
Jessica: then she took the artichoke heart
Xolvox_chick85: and stabbed it!?
Jessica: NO!!!
Jessica: no guessing, you'll mess me up
Xolvox_chick85: buried it under the floorboards?
Xolvox_chick85: and she could hear it ticking
Jessica: and was guilty when the landlord came over
Jessica: and finally admitted to murdering an artichoke heart
Jessica: except for the fact that no one knows where she lives cause she lives in a van down by the river
Xolvox_chick85: yessss
Jessica: no
11:30 PM
Xolvox_chick85: that's plagiarism
Jessica: you started it
Jessica: anyway, she was standing there, holding the heart in her hand and started thinking to herself, "hmmm...maybe the frog wasn't being literal when he said to drink something green that people usually eat with chips"
Jessica: so, she decided to be more creative and got out her scissors and paste
Xolvox_chick85: oh yeah
Jessica: she cut up and glued the heart to make a collage of someone drinking a glass of blended artichoke heart seasoned with a little bit of paprica
Jessica: and again, she waited with needle, cloth, and thread in hand, but again, nothing happened
Xolvox_chick85: um, maybe you should go to sleep now
Jessica: she was fed up. she was really hungry too
Jessica: i'm not done with the story, almost
11:35 PM
Jessica: so, she went to a party at dead herbert's box. she was having a great time, forgetting all her worries. then someone came up to her and dared her to drink a glass of guaquemole (or however you spell it), and she said yes
Jessica: she wasn't thinking about being able to sew, as i mentioned that she had forgotten about all her worries
Jessica: in the dim moonlight she sat there on the ground, glass in hand, and ready let the sludge make its way down her throat, through her esauphegus (or however you spell it), down into her stomache, through her intestines, and out y' go!!! (we'll skip that part)
Jessica: so, she drank it.
Xolvox_chick85: i don't remember this part
Xolvox_chick85: i think you've changed it
Jessica: apparantly, though she didn't know this, but Molly was allergic to avacodos, and as you know (i hope) that is what Guaquemole is made of
11:40 PM
Jessica: she was so allergic to it, that it made her mouth and throat swell up that it gave her a gagging reaction and she started choking.
Jessica: well there wasn't anything dead herbert could do, since he was out of his stock of penicillon
Jessica: so she died, on the spot
Jessica: (the Spot was Herbert's poodle)
Jessica: so, the moral of the story is, look both ways before you cross the railway tracks, unless you're trying to get yourself killed. in that case, wait in the middle of them as long as you can until you hear a train coming. try watching footloose, for further instructions
Jessica: the end
Xolvox_chick85: well, you definitely get points for length
Xolvox_chick85: and the twist ending
Jessica: one time i wrote a story about how the giraffe got his blotches
Jessica: it was paint
Jessica: spilled on him by the monkey
Jessica: who was up in the treehouse
Xolvox_chick85: yes...well, that's a story for another day
Jessica: and somehow it soaked into his DNA and became part of his genes so that all his ancestors looked like him

Contestant 2: Diana

Xolvox_chick85: will you tell us a story?
Diana: ...
Diana: story?
Xolvox_chick85: yeah
Diana: a story about?
Diana: what?
Diana: and whos us?
Xolvox_chick85: joel and shelley
Diana: what kind of story would you like my pets..
Xolvox_chick85: about 2 friends
Xolvox_chick85: and
Xolvox_chick85: ...
Xolvox_chick85: a paper hat
Diana: hmm..
Diana: lets see here..
11:15 PM
Diana: Once upon a time there were two friends named jelly and shoel. both of them hated paper more than anything in the world.. They hated how poor innocent trees had to die to make a sheet of paper. They instead used leaves that had fallen off of trees to write one. but thats not the day a friend of theirs named Diana the Insanely cool, told them that she was going to make jelly and shoel like paper.. some how.. At first Diana showed them all of the uses of paper.. not just for writing but for reading also... but jelly and shoel shook their heads and went, not good enough.. we are far to picky.. So Diana showed the the greatness that is the spit ball.. once again, jelly and shoel said no.. not good enough for our extremeley high tastes..
Diana: Diana had almost ran out of ideas until she realized that she had for gotten to show them oragami.. the great art of paper folding.. Finally jelly and shoel turned their heads in interest..
Xolvox_chick85: are you done?
Diana: nope
Xolvox_chick85: oh, ok
Xolvox_chick85: good
Diana: jeeze...
11:20 PM
Diana: so! Diana folded up many different objects like a bird that flapped its wings.. and a paper cup.. and such.. although somewhat interesting to jelly and shoel.. it just wasnt the kicker.. so right when Diana was about to give up.. she made a hat for eachof them and said here.. take em.. they did.. and from that day on.. they have worn paper hats on their head.. and they finally like paper..
Diana: but recycled only
Diana: not my best..
Diana: I'm distracted by other friends
Xolvox_chick85: there are others?
Xolvox_chick85: we still think that you win
Diana: yes there are others.. my slaves to me.. I am keeping them in check..
Diana: I win?
Xolvox_chick85: yeah
Xolvox_chick85: maybe
Xolvox_chick85: perhaps i'll take a you mind if i publish it?
Diana: DUDE!!
Diana: DO IT!!

Contestant 3: Megan

Megan: you should do what I say
Xolvox_chick85: oh
Xolvox_chick85: tell us a story
Megan: what kind of story?
Xolvox_chick85: the good kind
Xolvox_chick85: about
Xolvox_chick85: a tall, tall, cliff with a grocery store inside
Xolvox_chick85: and a telephone
Megan: ok
Megan: there was once a legend
Megan: that somewhere in Washington lies a tall tall cliff
Megan: with a grocery store inside
Megan: and a telephone
Xolvox_chick85: and some mice
Megan: and some mic
Megan: *mice
Megan: who ran the grocery store
Megan: and kept the telephone in good repair
Xolvox_chick85: make it rhyme now
Megan: for years people searched and searched for this magical cliff
11:15 PM
Megan: but they decided that it must be in Cardiff
Xolvox_chick85: oh
Megan: because this place couldn't be found
Xolvox_chick85: uh-huh
Megan: even when looking all around
Xolvox_chick85: *claps hands in glee*
Megan: but then one day a boy named Mike
Xolvox_chick85: NO!
Megan: okay I forgot
Megan: his name was Ike
Xolvox_chick85: tricky
Megan: decided that he would be the new Pike
Megan: and he would after himself name a peak
Megan: and so he began to seek and seek
Xolvox_chick85: you're reaching
Megan: he roamed through the deserts in the east
Xolvox_chick85: go back to vers Libre
Megan: he fought off many a terrible beast
Megan: gimme a break here
Megan: I'm adlibbing ya hear?
Megan: and finally when Ike was almost dead
Megan: he'd had no food; the head had gotten to his head
11:20 PM
Megan: he saw a flash of white streak across the ground
Megan: a little white mouse, that's what he'd found!
Xolvox_chick85: wait, back did ike almost die?
Megan: ahem: he'd had no food; the *heat had gotten to his head
Xolvox_chick85: ah
Megan: he followed the mouse to the secret store
Megan: but before he could take on footstop more
Megan: all the other mice began to attack!
Megan: they didn't like Ike, they told him to go back
Xolvox_chick85: didn't we tell you to go back to free verse?
Megan: what's free verse?
Megan: no rhyming?
Xolvox_chick85: but, it's getting better
Xolvox_chick85: so, go ahead with the rhyming afterall
Megan: ok
Megan: Ike ran away as fast as he could
Megan: through washington desert, stream, and wood
Megan: he stopped in a bar to tell his tale
Megan: but alas, it was to know avail!
11:25 PM
Megan: *no
Megan: nobody would believe our poor friend
Megan: so here is where his tale must end
Megan: he now sells Vespa's in a Seattle store
Megan: and doesn't really like mice anymore
Megan: the end
Xolvox_chick85: 8.2
Xolvox_chick85: which is pretty good, all things considered
Megan: well for on the spot...
Megan: I'll take it
Xolvox_chick85: *judges are cranky*

Contestant 4: Justin

Xolvox_chick85: tell us a story
Justin: us?
Xolvox_chick85: yeah
Xolvox_chick85: us
Xolvox_chick85: you got a problem?
Justin: who is us?
Justin: maybe i do have a problem
Xolvox_chick85: joel and shelley
Justin: i need to know who my audience is
Xolvox_chick85: for now
Justin: and why do you want me of all people to tell a story?
Xolvox_chick85: you're good at that sort of thing
Justin: for now?
Xolvox_chick85: yes
Justin: more coming?
Xolvox_chick85: maybe
Justin: who else is coming?
Xolvox_chick85: could be everyone
Xolvox_chick85: i'll let you know
Justin: fine
Justin: you hvae to tell me everytime someone new comes
Xolvox_chick85: ok
Justin: now, what kind of story do you want to hear?
Xolvox_chick85: a story about a lamp, an alligator, and a deed of vengeance
Justin: very well
Justin: once upon a time
Xolvox_chick85: i like your style
Justin: there was a young lad named mordemer
Justin: his friends called him moldy
Justin: and moldy didnt mind this... interesting nick name
Justin: as he was very easy going
Justin: he didnt really mind much of anything
Justin: except
Justin: a young lass who lived on the farm adjacent to moldy's
Justin: this young woman was very beautiful
Justin: but she was also very cold hearted
Justin: and used moldy's infatuation with her to her advantage
Justin: her name was
Justin: karon
Justin: well, karon had a pet alligator
Justin: which she made moldy feed every day
Justin: not only would moldy have to feed this alligator
Justin: he also had to go catch various critters to throw to it
Justin: such as small woodland creatures
Justin: but not squirrels
Justin: never squirrels
Justin: for it was well known throughout the land that squirrels were
Justin: both dastardly cunning
Justin: and quite ferocious
Justin: and they often travelled in bands, attacking randomly and without provocation
Justin: well one evening
Justin: moldy and his friend
Justin: scooter
Justin: (scooters real name was bert, but he also had a nickname)
Justin: hey, ill brb
Xolvox_chick85: that's better
Xolvox_chick85: oh
Xolvox_chick85: not that you're leaving
12:25 AM
Justin: ok, im back
Xolvox_chick85: ok
Xolvox_chick85: i'm glad
Xolvox_chick85: i couldn't wait to hear the rest
Justin: so lets see, scooter and moldy
Justin: went out for a walk through the forest
Justin: and scooter (being more aggressive then moldy) started telling him how he shouldnt be such a push over
Justin: and how he should make karon feed her own d——— alligator
Justin: excuse the language, but it was a direct quote
Justin: anyways
Justin: scooter started making fun of karon and her alligator
Justin: moldy got upset
Justin: and ran off
Justin: but scooter and moldy werent the only ones who were in the forrest that evening...
Justin: in his fury moldy went and got lost
Justin: but he saw some light, from a fire in a clearing up ahead
Justin: so he slowly snuck up
Justin: as he got closer and closer
Justin: he heard a low chanting
Justin: he got the to the edge of the clearing
Justin: and !!!!!!
Justin: there was karon!
Justin: dancing, and chanting
Justin: with a number of other young beautiful girls
Justin: practicing unmentionable dark arts
Xolvox_chick85: spooky
Justin: moldy was so suprised
Justin: he stepped back quickly
Justin: and he tripped on a branch
Justin: and fell over backward
Justin: in a large racket
Justin: the unknown witches quickly grabbed, and subdued moldy
Justin: then tied him up
Justin: karon walked up to him
Justin: (it was appearant to moldy now, that she was thier leader)
Justin: she touched his face
Justin: and said, half to herself
Justin: you will make a lovely sacrifice dear
Justin: then she shouted
Justin: "bring the lamp!!!"
Xolvox_chick85: nicely done!
Xolvox_chick85: stage 2, the dialect round
Justin: sorry
Justin: the dialect round?
Xolvox_chick85: yes, incorporate some elements of your favorite dialect into the story
Justin: i dont really have a favorite dialect
Justin: does american count?
Justin: ha, canadian, eh?
Xolvox_chick85: ok
Justin: ok, well
Justin: the next day
Justin: scooter, was out riding his pet raptor
Justin: and he came upon a lamp out in the outback
Justin: now, this wasnt like an ordinary lamp
Justin: or even like a magic lamp
Justin: it resembled a magic lamp, except it was much larger
Justin: and there were burn marks all over outside
Xolvox_chick85: uh-huh
Justin: scooter approached the lamp and opened it
Justin: he then quickly shut it
Justin: and vomited on the ground
Justin: inside, it appeared moldy had been "cooked"
Justin: to death!
Justin: scooter who was able to speak a little squirrel
Justin: when to visit with a squirrel chieftan, who he had gained the respect of
Justin: but that is a different story
Justin: this squirrels name was
Justin: squee-chipchripchak-clak-qak-tak-chip-chiiiiiiiiiiii-cha
12:45 AM
Justin: or chieftan crackum nutem
Justin: in a rough translation
Justin: scooter and the chief had a long talk
Justin: and then they went to the clearing
Justin: where moldy had been the night before
Justin: (squirrels are excellent trackers)
Justin: and they laid a trap
Justin: that evening
Justin: when the dark arcanists returned
Justin: with karon riding atop her alligator
Justin: suddenly
Justin: darts came out of no where
Justin: taking down most of the witches
Justin: but the more experienced/ powerful sorcerers cast spells
Justin: burning the darts to ashes before they reached their targets
Justin: then arose a horrid battle cry!
Justin: squirrels were everywhere
12:50 AM
Justin: the witches paniced
Justin: for the squirrels ferocity was unmatched
Justin: the rest of the witches quickly when down
Justin: but karon and her alligator kept them at bay
Justin: she was the only one left
Justin: with a number of dead squirrels around her
Justin: then emerged scooter from the bushes
Justin: he was wearing terrible black armor
Justin: and looked more fearsome then even the squirrels
Justin: he ran forward and said one word
Justin: moldy.
Justin: then ran her through
Justin: while the squirrels overwhelmed the alligator
Justin: after cleaning his sword
Justin: scooter proclaimed
Justin: from this day forward i shall be known only as the dark knight
Justin: and thus the cold, and furious dark knight was born
Justin: the same dark knight who was to go on and destroy kingdoms, assinate lords, and win glorious battles
Justin: the end
12:55 AM
Xolvox_chick85: wowo,
Xolvox_chick85: well, it beat Diana's
Xolvox_chick85: 9.75
Justin: ha, thanks
Xolvox_chick85: so, can i share it with the world now?
Justin: i kinda tried to hurry the end
Justin: go ahead
Xolvox_chick85: ok
Justin: but i didnt want the ending to be anti-climatic
Xolvox_chick85: i'm holding a competition and i'm posting it on my blog
Xolvox_chick85: it wasn't
Xolvox_chick85: Joel and i were enthralled
Justin: so am i winning?
Xolvox_chick85: i think so
Xolvox_chick85: by a long shot
Justin: ha, im glad to hear that you liked it
Xolvox_chick85: although, we told Diana that she won
Justin: lol
Xolvox_chick85: but, she was beaten by a dark horse--a late comer

Sunday, August 29, 2004

The Wayward Path

The other day, i was outside on our deck with my mom, and we started hearing geese. They were in the air, flying, north. Um...I tried to tell them of their mistake; I yelled, "HEY, HEY YOU GUYS! HEY, YO, YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!!!!!," but they didn't really take heed; they just kept honking. I'm at a loss, but maybe it's just in vouge this year to head to Banff for the winter...I dunno....

Oh, speaking of in vouge, i've noticed it's trendy to have a song of the day. Well, isn't it just fitting that i'm listening to Stevie Wonder's Summer Soft? Well, i think it is...oh, hm, that requires me to have a mood too doesn't it? mmmm. How about...well, Nate thought "ecstatic". i guess i'll run with it...hmmmm who would have thought...

Friday, August 27, 2004

Some people

Many people seem to be very interested in the elections coming up, and since I am planning to perform my civic duty and vote, i did some research today. I think my favorite quote i found from one of the candidates is: "Not only do I admire and respect Mr. Castro I'd love a good Cuban cigar again. Africa is a waste of time and money. Give that money to the Israeli's or other countries that actually do something for America or, our own poor here at home," Mr. Jackson Kirk Grimes, United Fascist Union. Just in case this seems like a likely candidate for your vote
I also enjoyed reading up on presidential candidate Mr. HRM Caesar St Augustine De Buonaparte Emperor . And, Robb, just in case you don't follow the link, a picture of the guy just for you (and anyone else that is interested or not).

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Man, my titles seem less and less creative...

Well, I've actually been doing lots and lots of stuff lately, yet I don't really feel like going to all of the trouble of typing it out, although, i feel it is my duty to humankind to do so. I'll try to keep it short. My attention span can't handle more than one large paragraph or several smaller paragraphs at a time.
So. I will beging with my trip to the West Side; I visited many friends, went swimming, surfing for the first time (This may be more interesting to you, so I'll add a bit about this aspect of my life, but if it's not interesting (i realize that pushes me over the several small paragraph limit) feel free to skim or skip this part of today's post:
i got up on the actual surf
i never got up on a wave before it broke, though
i finally went out past where they were breaking, but this wave was either going to take me out, or only let me ride it's surf, so i rode it in and never got the guts to go out all the way again
it was really funny when i was standing in the water on my surfboard, but i wasn't actually going anywhere)
, and hmmmm, well, eventually, my former roommate drove me home with her/our friend Emily. The next day, we went to some natural water slides and then went into Spokane for dinner with other friends.
Man, you must be terribly bored. Just think of this post as a way for me to...well... oh, that's it, yeah, as a way for me to remind myself of what I do and stuff.
Where was I....Oh, right....mmm, yeah, then brother, Tighe, and I went to Selah for a wedding. I was sick and tired, but it was a good way to pass the weekend. They (brother, Tighe, Rob, and Nate) went down the Yakima on inner-tubes while I took a nap. Wow, Joel does a water activity more readily than me! I must be getting old or something.
This week was spent painting some rooms in my grandma's house. About the most exciting that happened there was that the cat played with my toes in the morning when i was still dozing in my sleeping bag. now i'm home, and really need some sleep. So, i'll say g'night to Megan and make my way to MY VERY OWN BED! Something that has been very scarce lately.

Man this is long, and not even one picture

OH! one more thing. We drove by the, gas station again, but, alas, we had no camera

Friday, August 20, 2004

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, there was a Swedish lumberjack named Sven. You see, you can't go wrong with a guy whose name is Sven. Sven had a pet was so cute, and they liked everything that goes along with otters. (Like Otter Pops. yum.)
One day, they decided to live in the post-democratic society of a once czar and Bolshevik run country known today as Uzbekistan, as they enjoyed the summers that are quite nice and the ponds that made for great ice skating in the winter.
In the meanwhile, the otter became a communist.
The end.

man, those were some dumb ideas...

Friday, August 13, 2004

What should i write about?

I'm taking requests...the line's open

Monday, August 09, 2004

I will become strong

I'm gettin lonely in this big room

The other day, we were in Spokane, and we drove by a Shell gas station. The "S" was burnt out. That's pretty cool isn't it? Well, i think it's cool. Guys?, I'm cool too....right?

Ok, ok, i know...uh, yeah! I ownxored Peasant's Quest today!

Friday, August 06, 2004

Today's Post

(you know, the title is a link)

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I like to swim

I like to swim. So, I went swimming today.

Friday, July 23, 2004


I beat Mario III today, er, make that yesterday

This is a cool tee-shirt in case you wondered what to buy for me

Hm, that was going to be all for this post, but i'm getting bored here, online, so I think i'll talk about how Joel and I played frisbee this evening. We played frisbee this evening. It was extreme to the max. I fell...many times. I caught the frisbee as i did a one handed cart-wheel thing of death. Barefoot. It was awesome.

Since I am so bored, and really should go to sleep, but am being unruly and irresponsible, I will now follow up on my first post. I did not get accepted into the new student orientation program (this is actually extremely old news, but boredome led me to read my old posts, and I decided to end the suspence) But, i decided that it would be fun to have an underground orientation where we (the other applicants who did not make the team and I) kidnap orientation groups and then proceed to throw water balloons at the other groups who are not part of the underground movement.

Oh yeah, and for entertainment the other night, my cousin Jessica and I went to Safeway to by fixin's for ice cream sundays.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Family fun!

This has been a welcome weekend after a long, painful, boring, and generally horrendous recouperation. Relatives from Ohio, Oregon, and the West Side congregated at my grandparent's house in Post Falls ID. I went to Silverwood on Friday. It's only $15 if you go at 5:00! That was very welcome. I went to a wedding on Saturday. It was outside. It was hot. After that, we went to my aunt and uncle's house for dinner with everyone. I found myself being operated on by my cousins Jonathan (AKA Joe cool) and Eli, and then Jonny decided to enslave me. Well, I was released, er, released myself and went home. Sunday involved another day and grandma and granpa's where we watched The Fox and the Hound. IT NEVER ENDS! we went to Spokane again today so that I could get the stitches in my mouth taken out and have another appointment with the allergist! hooray. It was hot. Again. Guess what! After Spokane, we went to Post Falls again, ate dinner with the remaining family, and kidnapped some of them. Jessica entertained herself by talking to people on AIM for me. Jonny and Joel are playing Mario III....

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Would you like a slice of gum?

It seems that the welt on my arm due to grass is now the least of my concerns. I had to endure a gum graft yesterday. It was very unpleasant, that is until they gave me laughing gas...Supposedly, the pills I took an hour before they cut my mouth were supposed to make me very calm and give me temporary amnesia. They didn't quite have the desired effect, thus the laughing gas. I also remember the procedure. I remember calling the doctor a wimp and giggling as he sliced through my flesh. I also offered him my finger just in case he didn't have enough tissue to do the job. Wow. Um, oh yeah, on our way home, we stopped at the video store where I vaguely remember asking my mom if I looked drunk.
Today, I watched the last of the movies. It was labyrinth, hmmm David Bowie...Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that. Well.

Here I am!

Monday, June 28, 2004


Well, I am still allergic to grass. I went to a different allergist this morning (Dr. Drain instead of Dr. Morgan). I HAD TO GET UP AT 6:30! What sort of summer activity is that? Anyway, they did a lovely skin test with those cool caterpillar block deals, and I am very much allergic to grass. The gargantuan welt has pretty much deflated and it itches less, but you can still see a bit of redness.

I am also still allergic to cats. I guess there'll be no more Cat in my room. I wonder how he'll handle that.

Sunday, June 20, 2004


I now know that I am extremely leet. I began constructing my very own web page with the screamin' html that Joel is teaching me! AND I just made some changes to my page WITHOUT his help! this is amazing.
And now for something completely different....
What's with all of these marriages and babies and things? I just went to another wedding shower yesterday. Already this year 3 couples of my acquaintance have gotten hitched and 4 women-friend-types are with child. (I guess they'd have to be women...hmm)

Let's see just how 133+ i am

Friday, June 18, 2004

A B!

Man, oh man! I just received the first B in my life for a final grade! AND IN MY 2 CREDIT PRIVATE OBOE INSTRUCTION CLASS TOO!!!! AHHHHHHHH. ok, i'm feeling better now, and it is even a B+, so I suppose i'll be ok. I guess I deserve it to an extent; I didn't put as much time into making reeds and practicing those tedious intervals as I should have. I think it was the sixths that really messed me up. I guess this is one more indication that my priority isn't music. enough ranting....I guess, maybe
Wow, it really sounds like i'm a nerd. I know many children would give their frontmost tastebud to get a B+ in something. I don't even know what the rest of my grades are this quarter, I sure hope i don't have to have this agony dragging out much longer. There was a potential to get As in the rest of my least before finals week. HEY! Cheer up Shelley! You shouldn't be talking about these painful subjects at this time of night/morning....Oh, alright, i'll go to bed. Goodnight!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Well, here I am. My stuff is even unpacked! There sure is a lot of stuff in my room.
Geryond and Cerberus are settling in nicely, and my cat, Bouncer, is glad to have their company. He enjoys following them around when they roll around in their freedom ball on the kitchen floor.
I went down to the vet clinic today to see when they wanted me to start working there, and they said that they actually don't need any extra help this summer. I'm not heartbroken that I don't have to clean kennels, but I am not looking forward to scrounging for a different job.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

The tragedy of My Life

I think that this AIM conversation pretty much sums up the exciting events of my recent life, (I'm too lazy to retype it all, so I thought this would be an effective, fun-filled, fresh way of documentation) :

Joel! I just think I did something relatively foolish

what's that?

I sold two of my books back for a whopping total of $6


one was worth a dollar can buy two bubble teas...

the guy behind me scoffed when he heard that one was $1, so, I felt dumb that I sold it.
End Part 1

we played Mao at Denny's last night; Pierce hated it. he was mad at me because I kept winning and I guess I wasn't being very consistent, and I kept giving him cards


then we played Egyptian Rat Screw


and then we ate

him don't like that one

and then Pierce fell asleep...


so, we moved to another table and threw packets of sugar at him

ah good

and then the server came by and pretended to hit him with a tray and he woke up and looked confused

where was that? Denny's? ah you said that/ok/I'm on the same page now

and then we moved to yet a different table/it was funny/we laughed/and we took pictures with Paul's camera phon/e


and I went to sleep around 3:30

very nice

and I woke up at 8 and couldn't go back to sleep/tragedy of my life


OH/and I went dumpster diving


and I got a jacket, a clipboard and a large tractor tire tube


oh, and I got the "Old Faithful" award for band


it is a pvc pipe didgeridoo/thing/yeah, apparently, I play solidly and am a faithful band member that can blow bubble out of my mouth, and I didn't know this, but out of my instrument too

very interesting

In case you are actually still reading this, Some extra highlights include my acquisition of a case of Ramen and three cans of clam chowder. I also had Chili for brefferes (according to Joel, that is the Middle English spelling)

Monday, May 31, 2004

Imagine: A Weekend Without School

I practically forgot that I still have to apply myself to school endeavors this spring. Mom and Dad came over for the weekend, and I haven't done anything requiring mental strain since. Friday night we watched The Last samurai. Saturday, I went to the Folklife Festival in the Center with some friends, and I met up with my family there around 4. After some more family fun, I came back to my room and then went caroling with my oboe, Soren's guitar and Scot's accordion. We spread Christmas cheer to all of the dorms. After that, we went to Wendy's. Yesterday was also family filled. We went to church, Central Market, and then out to dinner at an Irish Pub. After I said good-bye to them, I took advantage of an opportunity to become more culturally aware. I played Halo with some friends for the rest of the night. This morning, I played with the SPU band at a memorial service. OOooo, and I vacuumed! Well, after dinner, it looks like I will have to return to the world of school..."Physics" homework is scheduled.

Friday, May 28, 2004

So much for playing in the rain

Yesterday it rained really hard and I really wanted to go play ultimate frisbee outside, somehow, this plan magically morphed into a 3 hour game of Trivial Pursuit (the 1981 edition) that ended at 2 in the morning! I think I was so out of it that my competitors were about to forcibly drag me to my bed. Maybe it was the oats....

I made some exciting discoveries today in the realm of Microsoft Word. I didn't know that it was an option to have a blue background with white text. Also, there are various levels of grammar checks it can do! I now have it set on "formal" instead of "standard". Now, it checks for things like cliches and wordiness!

K, it's time to go to class....

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Oats and stuff

Well, I don't think today or yesterday were especially boring, but I am having trouble coming up with blog material. I have some rolled oats to eat that I am very fond of, and as a garnish, I bought some OGRE-SIZED M&Ms. That is relatively old news, though still exciting. Speaking of which, I am beginning to be on better terms with Relativity. I guess it is rather cool that the faster you go, the shorter the distance is to your destination.

Ok, I think I have had enough oats for the day, I think it is time for some sleep...

Monday, May 24, 2004


Wow, I came back from class and there was candy corn on my desk! IN MY ROOM! CRAZY, I LOVE CANDY CORN!!!!! I ate lots of it, I hope it was for me, I don't know why else it would be living on MY desk though.

hours have passed since then, and my euphoria has been ruined by Relativity:

so, Alan is standing near a train track and sparks fall off of the front and back of the train car. The light hits him at the same time from both sparks... and Beth is on the train, and passes Alan as the sparks fly...

So, in Alan's perspective, the light from the front spark hits her before the light from the back spark, and the light in her perspective hits her first from the front, even though she is in the middle of the train.

The only way this happens is that the sparks jump at the same time in Alan's reference frame, but in Beth's the front one jumps first
Even turns out that length may not even be constant!

But no more! I am a Newtonian purist and will not succumb to the evils of this notion. In my realm, time will be constant, length will be constant, and light will never prevail in it's struggle to be constant!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Nantucket Nectars Scandal

Room-mate Kellyn was just analyzing her pomegranate flavored Nantucket Nectar bottle. She is convinced that they are trying to send subliminal messages:
1) Everyone on the bottle was white
2) One man appears to be peeing
3) A man seemed to be surfing in the nude
4) *up for debate* Purple, widowless van that appears to belong to a rapist.

I don't know...She could be overreacting, I am not fully convinced. She thinks that perhaps I am being too Naïve. Let me know if you have noticed any suspicious activity on your juice bottles.

Here! Go here!

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I just want to see my Blog

So, I really should have done some homework today. I am hungry and tired and anxious about my paper and my Orientation Team Leader Application, so I am afraid that in this state of mind, this posing may not be very coherent.

I did decide today that I really dislike oboe lessons this quarter. Good news, though, I got an excellent room with a view for next year. It's location is choice.

Ok, that was fun

Oh, yeah! How could I forget. I spent most of my day day-dreaming about Capoeira and break-dancing. I smell food.........meat! ohhh, i'm hungry.