I think that this AIM conversation pretty much sums up the exciting events of my recent life, (I'm too lazy to retype it all, so I thought this would be an effective, fun-filled, fresh way of documentation) :
Joel! I just think I did something relatively foolish
what's that?
I sold two of my books back for a whopping total of $6
one was worth a dollar
well...you can buy two bubble teas...
the guy behind me scoffed when he heard that one was $1, so, I felt dumb that I sold it.
End Part 1
we played Mao at Denny's last night; Pierce hated it. he was mad at me because I kept winning and I guess I wasn't being very consistent, and I kept giving him cards
then we played Egyptian Rat Screw
and then we ate
him don't like that one
and then Pierce fell asleep...
so, we moved to another table and threw packets of sugar at him
ah good
and then the server came by and pretended to hit him with a tray and he woke up and looked confused
where was that? Denny's? ah you said that/ok/I'm on the same page now
and then we moved to yet a different table/it was funny/we laughed/and we took pictures with Paul's camera phon/e
and I went to sleep around 3:30
very nice
and I woke up at 8 and couldn't go back to sleep/tragedy of my life
OH/and I went dumpster diving
and I got a jacket, a clipboard and a large tractor tire tube
oh, and I got the "Old Faithful" award for band
it is a pvc pipe didgeridoo/thing/yeah, apparently, I play solidly and am a faithful band member that can blow bubble out of my mouth, and I didn't know this, but out of my instrument too
very interesting
In case you are actually still reading this, Some extra highlights include my acquisition of a case of Ramen and three cans of clam chowder. I also had Chili for brefferes (according to Joel, that is the Middle English spelling)