I was amazed to learn from one of my professors (who happens to be Greek) that the plural of octopus is really octopuses! It's Greek! Looks like the last influences of the Roman empire are finally slipping away into the depths of old Saturn's realm. Man, i've been reading too much about the planets lately.
In other news; I made a new friend today. His name is Mike. I was reading at Café Ladro in Freemont this evening, and there were some pretty...uh, well, it is Freemont afterall....people. Mike was really awesome, and we talked about psychology, Spokane, teachers, and Sedro Wooley,(I guess that's where the wooley people belong; coincidentally, Mike pointed out his beard). Mike lives in the group home over there and seems to like it pretty well. While we were talking, accross the street, Benny was yelling about the monsters. Mike shouted something back about the Jettsons or something. I guess Mike knows Benny a little bit. It was really cool to talk to Mike, and I hope to go back and find him again sometime.
Oh, i'm working on getting the pictures of fire hazards up, but blogger is being silly. These are fire hazards that I either found naturally around my apartment or ones that I....somebody...staged.

Oh, and two specifically for Joel's last comment: