Monday, February 11, 2008

On Fruits

As I sit here eating my orange, I think on my entire peeling experience. My initial observation was that this orange was surprisingly difficult to peel. In order to expose the juicy flesh of this navel, I had to use the handle of my spoon to start the rind removal. The greatest mystery is the more recent historical appearance of the symbiotic mini orange that seems to appear in the modern oranges that I have been enjoying. Do you know the one that I'm talking about? I am not quite sure how to describe it other than it's that creepy section that seems to grow on one end of the orange as though it were some symbiont alien that upon ripening will burst out of the poor host. Genetic modification, anyone? It is woeful to me that one day when I have my own offspring (assuming my ovum are not genetically modified to end in the equivalent of an ectopic fruit tragedy) I will be forced to explain to them, "when I was your age, oranges had seeds that you would have to pick out."


Joel A. Shaver said...

And watermelons.

joelsdad said...

I've always wondered about those tiny oranges inside oranges, myself. Ran across one just yesterday!

Sharon said...

hey, i hate those little orange freaks, they can be scary...

David T. Macknet said...

I've always rather liked the fetal oranges - and consumed them quite happily, usually before anything else!