I was eating me a slightly-warmed peanut butter and raisin pecan bread (from none other than the essential baking dumpster) sandwich, but was struggling to keep the peanut butter contained within the slices. I finally resigned myself, after some frantic licking, to the task of washing my jeans and fingers upon completion of the consumptatory errand at hand. My fingers were happily washed and my mind was on other things when I re-entered my room where the following image met my horror-stricken eyes (taken from my camera phone...I don't have my camera with me anymore)

I wondered in disgust at the creature that would make such a deposit on my rug. After remembering that I did not own any small animals, I realized that my sandwich had effectively pooped on my rug! Oh the nerve!!!!
That's pretty disgusting.
It's hard to tell by the picture but I'm not sure what I think is more atrocious, the pink and bright blue rug or the peanut butter dump.
Haha, just kidding of coarse the dump is worse. But man, what kind of crazy go nuts sandwich were you eating that would leave such a mess in such a way?
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