Friday, September 10, 2004

So tired

i'm very tired, and my heart is full of grief.
My computer's hard drive is kaput.
So, i'm confined to Joel's beast of a computer. He was has shown great kindness, and has set up an account for me with all of the preferences that we took off of my computer before it died. Oh, that reminds me, Nate, you are free to delete my account whenever, unless you enjoy signing into my AIM account and talking to all of the people you see there.
I had another gum graft a week from yesterday, and the codine made me sick that night. You probably didn't want to know that, but it's late, and i want to complain.
Hm, what else?....Ah, yes...the results of the story competition. Justin wins. Although, Megan must be given the Tenacious Termite Award for her brave and noble poetic oration. Folks, it isn't as easy as it looks. Justin the Vicorious challanged me to end his boredom tell him a story in rhymes. But, that is for another time.


Anonymous said...

I'm feeling the hard drive pain.. Mine exploded on me this summer too.. not really exploded.. but stopped working. And I thought I had lost EVERYTHING on my puter.. but instead it was takin to my step-dads office, and things were fixed, and now its back in my puter, humming away quietly, as it processes my millions of bytes.. cause I byte! wow.. nerdiest thing I have ever said.. I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

ps.. the previous comment is from Diana.. the cool.. and tall..