This is a cool tee-shirt in case you wondered what to buy for me
Hm, that was going to be all for this post, but i'm getting bored here, online, so I think i'll talk about how Joel and I played frisbee this evening. We played frisbee this evening. It was extreme to the max. I fell...many times. I caught the frisbee as i did a one handed cart-wheel thing of death. Barefoot. It was awesome.
Since I am so bored, and really should go to sleep, but am being unruly and irresponsible, I will now follow up on my first post. I did not get accepted into the new student orientation program (this is actually extremely old news, but boredome led me to read my old posts, and I decided to end the suspence) But, i decided that it would be fun to have an underground orientation where we (the other applicants who did not make the team and I) kidnap orientation groups and then proceed to throw water balloons at the other groups who are not part of the underground movement.
Oh yeah, and for entertainment the other night, my cousin Jessica and I went to Safeway to by fixin's for ice cream sundays.