Friday, August 20, 2004

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, there was a Swedish lumberjack named Sven. You see, you can't go wrong with a guy whose name is Sven. Sven had a pet was so cute, and they liked everything that goes along with otters. (Like Otter Pops. yum.)
One day, they decided to live in the post-democratic society of a once czar and Bolshevik run country known today as Uzbekistan, as they enjoyed the summers that are quite nice and the ponds that made for great ice skating in the winter.
In the meanwhile, the otter became a communist.
The end.

man, those were some dumb ideas...


Kenton Finkbeiner said...


Beautiful story!

Could you take a pic of that Shell station that has the blacked out S????


Heather said...

Shelley, I think they were great ideas, and came together quite nicely. I was especially impressed by the pet communist otter. He sounds really cute. I went to the zoo today and visited my otter friends. They are doing great. They were totally cute. So were the tigers. I took one home with me. Yay.

Meg said...

I like otters...especially river otters. They are very playful. Was your communist otter a sea otter or a river otter?

Tia said...

It sounds like something my friends and I wrote, er, drew, during History 111 (Ancient history) a couple fall quarters ago. My friend drew little stick figures and put little captions under them like "This is Sven. See Sven pillage. See Sven loot. See Sven rape (the picture was a big blog with the word "censored" over it). See Sven burn libraries." There was something about Margaret Thatcher, because Emma's British...

Tia said...

Oh and speaking of Bolsheviks... My friends and I all had stuffed penguins so one day we got them all together and mine was Kaiser Wilhelm and we had all the other major WWI powers, and they all had a little meeting.

Anonymous said...

Shelly you need to post about your exciting trip to Selah!!!

- Nate

Anonymous said...

Eh... I've read better Otter stories...

- Paul