Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Oats and stuff

Well, I don't think today or yesterday were especially boring, but I am having trouble coming up with blog material. I have some rolled oats to eat that I am very fond of, and as a garnish, I bought some OGRE-SIZED M&Ms. That is relatively old news, though still exciting. Speaking of which, I am beginning to be on better terms with Relativity. I guess it is rather cool that the faster you go, the shorter the distance is to your destination.

Ok, I think I have had enough oats for the day, I think it is time for some sleep...

1 comment:

Joel A. Shaver said...

I think the trick is just to post when something interesting happens, just so it looks like everything that happens is interesting.

It's looking more and more like beach bash will be something you will enjoy. I say that because it's looking more and more like something most people here won't like. In fact, tons of people have decided not to go. We're going camping, hiking, and caving. There are no showers. The snow line is only 400 feet higher than us. Oh well... You should buy a shirt!