Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Nantucket Nectars Scandal

Room-mate Kellyn was just analyzing her pomegranate flavored Nantucket Nectar bottle. She is convinced that they are trying to send subliminal messages:
1) Everyone on the bottle was white
2) One man appears to be peeing
3) A man seemed to be surfing in the nude
4) *up for debate* Purple, widowless van that appears to belong to a rapist.

I don't know...She could be overreacting, I am not fully convinced. She thinks that perhaps I am being too Naïve. Let me know if you have noticed any suspicious activity on your juice bottles.


Joel A. Shaver said...

I don't buy it.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow, that's amazing! I totally agree. That Joel guy is a fool for not beleiving.

Robb said...


i have a blog.
